Derby Spotlight: Tax

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What’s the deal with former claimers this year? Maximum Security debuted for $16k. And this guy ran for a tag in his first two starts, being claimed out of the second race for $50k from Claiborne.
If you like Tacitus, are you sort of supposed to like Tax as well? I guess they had different trips in the Wood. And Tacitus drew away late. But on speed figures, you can make a case that Tax fits in this spot in a big way. And you know the price will be right.
What is more, Tax seems to very much be going in the right direction. And the breeding says he can get this distance. There are a lot of things to like here.
For me, it’s simply a matter of liking others more, and possibly having more confidence in the connections of the ones that I like better anyway. Danny Gargan is an up-and-comer, for sure. But if you put any value on trainer experience in a race like the Kentucky Derby, how does Tax get elevated over one of the Bafferts, the Motts, or the Pletchers? Those three trainers have 35% of this field, by the way.
I won’t talk anyone out of using Tax. I just won’t have him in the first three spots….I don’t think.