LoneSpeed Phase II

Hi folks,
We are nearing the end of racing’s slow season, as Santa Anita is just weeks away and the action begins to heat up at Gulfstream Park. Soon, we’ll be obligated to create a Kentucky Derby Top 10 list. And before we know it, everyone will start at 0 points on the NHC Tour.
Some new things are coming to LoneSpeed, and we’re excited. Here’s a quick rundown:
-Starting December 27th, our first LoneSpeed podcast will hit your mobile devices. LoneSpeed contributor Steve Decaspers and I will tackle the Stronach 5 each week, and if you’re a fan of that wager, you’ll want to check in. We’ll spend a good 30 minutes or so going over each race, identifying horses you must use and favorites that might be vulnerable. We’ll aim to release the podcast on Thursday nights, with final ticket structure available on LoneSpeed after scratches are announced on Friday. Be sure to watch for the LoneSpeed Stronach 5 Podcast.
-Another regular LoneSpeed feature will be “Pull Out Your PPs”. This may end up being a YouTube feature instead of a podcast. Details are still being worked out. The concept is simple. We’ll pick one card and go horse by horse, race by race, and see if we can identify some winners and losers. This may even become a fan interaction thing with live questions and comments. Like I said, details are still under discussion.
-Do you love Racing Twitter a much as I do? Do you sometimes wish you had more time to stay on top of Ed DeRosa’s tweets all day long? Well, you’re in luck. “Today in Racing Twitter” will become a regular daily feature on LoneSpeed. We’ll give you the highlights with our own commentary. This will allow you to ignore Matt Bernier’s tweets about Boston sports and Garrett Skiba’s thoughts on how annoying horse racing is.
-Now that Michelle Yu has had her beautiful baby, I’m going to ask very nicely and see if she’ll help me make “Who Dew Yu Like?” a reality. She’s all about Southern California racing, so we’ll pick her brain and try to get the inside scoop on the SoCal happenings. Nothing helps boost page views like a hot chick. And based on the reactions of men in Vegas race and sports books when Michelle appears on the big screen, I’m expecting her to be a big draw for LoneSpeed. So maybe “Who Dew Yu Like?” will have to be a video thing. Eh, I’ll figure it out.
-The aforementioned Steve Decaspers is going to start contributing written content as well. And LoneSpeed is going to be looking for other contributors. If you’ve ever been interested in writing about horse racing, send a writing sample to lonespeed@lonespeed.com. Pick your circuit, and you may just land a writing gig with a starting salary of $0.
-Our column on Horse Racing Nation continues every Thursday.
-Finally, all content on LoneSpeed is now free of charge. I created some products. I made some sales. But sadly, I’ve come to the realization that for now, we need to forget about selling stuff. Maybe that will change later. Who knows? Enjoy the free content.